
Sunday, January 25th, 2009 @ 7:28pm

You’re here either because I redirected you from my old blog location (blog.simgaming.net), I asked you to come here, or you just randomly happened to stumble upon this blog. Please update your bookmarks if you came from the old location to this new location, as my former location will be nixed in the near future. There’s been some major changes to the site, but underneath all of that you still have the same old blog. But let me briefly introduce you to the changes that have been made.

Firstly, the whole system is powered by Drupal, a PHP based content management system. As much as I loved Corento, I feel it was time to move on as some of the features of that system were somewhat limiting without some drastic changes being made at the core. Switching to drupal gives me the potential to plug in some interesting modules that can do lots of cool stuff.

One of the new features in place, is the new tagging system. I can tag posts with any number of tags and help categorize them for a later date. If you want to see all the videos or comics I have posted, or any blog posts relating to school, you can now do so. I’m really excited about this and am glad I am able to finally categorize my posts.

Additionally, there is a new comment system in place, which unfortunately means all previous comments are now lost and you will need to create a new account here in order to post comments. I really want to know what everyone thinks of the new site so please register and leave your thoughts!

For now, the site is very basic but I have some neat things planned for the site such as Twitter integration and other modules eventually. With the new system in place, it should be easier for me to post so I promise I will try and keep you more informed about what’s going on or what I find interesting.

I’m still in the process of moving everything else over (projects, about) but it will come with time. Additionally, if you were keeping updated via RSS you will need to point your reader to blog.scurker.com/rss.xml in order to stay up to date with any new posts.