Yo-ho, yo-ho…

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 @ 12:00pm

Yarr… I be defacing yer dollar.

'allo puppet...

There’s more amusing money refacement available here.

Random Fact of the Day

Monday, January 28th, 2008 @ 3:32pm

The random bushes in Mario? They were just clouds. Observe:

It's a cloud!

Bionic Arm

Saturday, January 26th, 2008 @ 9:34pm

Ouch!Not to gross any of you out, but I thought the following two pictures were very interesting. It certainly doesn’t feel as bad as it looks, although I must admit it is a little creepy to have that much metal in your shoulder. Airports are certainly going to be a blast…

Ouch 2!It’s a lot of screws though. And I am slightly concerned about possible future injuries even with all of the protective metal existing in the arm. But I have another doctor visit in a couple of weeks so hopefully I can get some of my questions answered now that the initial shock has worn down and I’ve been able to pull some of my thoughts together.

In the meantime as mentioned below I have been trying to working it out, through pain sometimes. But it’s slowly coming along I guess.

Staying inside for as long as I have during these past two months or so have really give me an outdoors itch. Unfortunately the weather itself has not been very outdoor friendly and is somewhat cold compared to previous Alabama winters. As of recent, we’ve been pushing mid 30s to 40s.

Once it starts to get a little bit warmer I can begin my search for a new bike which will hopefully help towards a cure towards my outdoor longing.

Bonus Points!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 @ 11:21pm

I know this is so wrong, but at the same time…


You Have Been Spoiled!

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007 @ 11:17pm

I saw this today, and was thinking how awesome of a shirt that would be. But unfortunately, they’re sold out. Boo!


Banana Phone

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007 @ 12:30pm

I found a very interesting phone accessory today (click on the picture for the full story):

Banana Phone

Could you just imagine the looks on people’s faces as you walk down the street talking to a banana? Brings new meaning to the song Banana Phone.


Monday, January 15th, 2007 @ 7:09pm

I’ve decided to start sharing photos via Flickr, which you view following the link in the menu. I’ll try to upload photos there from time to time so I can share them. Enjoy!

You… Shall… Not… Pass!

Monday, December 11th, 2006 @ 1:42am

Just a little humor to lighten up your finals week. I would love to see no passing signs that look like this!

You shall not pass!

Edit: This has been brought to my attention. By no means am I saying, “You shall not pass your finals.” I hope all of you do pass your finals, and hopefully no wizards in gray clothing will stop you.

Smart Soldures and Jon Carry

Sunday, November 5th, 2006 @ 3:13am

halp us

The End of an Era

Sunday, November 5th, 2006 @ 1:23am

Band Seniors

So my life in marching band is now over. In a way, I’m actually quite sad. Never again will I be able to play on the field again. Sure, things were tough sometimes and unloading and loading the truck was a pain. But I really enjoyed it. The picture you see above is all of the seniors for 2006. I may not know all of them quite as well as I might like, but there is some sort of bond between us, even with me only participating in band for the short time of two years. I will say this much, if I attend any Samford games next year, which I most likely will if I live in the area, it will be a very odd feeling. It won’t quite feel the same actually sitting in the stands watching as opposed to playing. I can’t quite fathom that feeling yet…

The infamous Donaldson project(s) still loom over my head. I really have been working hard on this project, but it’s honestly going nowhere. I have some sort of bug in my code that I can’t quite track down… and it’s driving me crazy! I’m sure it’s something small and stupid, but I can’t find it. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t find/finish it by this next Tuesday. My only other hope is that no one else in the class has finished the project either and Donaldson will postpone the project again.

I also had a good talk with someone today. I honestly wish I could do more for people than just pray for them, but I honestly don’t know what I can do. I know God has given me a passion to help people, sometimes I just don’t know how. I know I need prayer myself, I am by no means a perfect person. But I pray that God will always provide to me a cheerful spirit that I can at least always be encouraging to others.

Ultimately, my goal is to strive to be like Him daily, and to grow closer in my relationship to Him. Sure, I have my own wants and needs in life, but it’s amazing how simple those seem when I really do focus on Him. It’s just disappointing that my human nature limits me sometimes to what kind of capacity God would provide if I truly had a heart for him 24/7. I know God will provide for me, I trust that He will provide for me. I truly and honestly believe that; I just need the patience to wait for His guidance.