Snow is a Four Letter Word

Sunday, January 20th, 2008 @ 3:34pm

Snow and Birmingham is a rare combination, but within the past week Alabama has had two snow events, neither of which were significant in Birmingham. Here at the apartment we only received a light dusting which accumulated on cars and roofs, but nothing beyond that.

It is of interest to note, that Birmingham typically receives an inch or so every year, but we’ve had a “snowless” streak the past couple of years. Birmingham is currently in its longest streak without having any measurable snow accumulation. (Note: A measurable amount according to the weather service 0.1 inches) The last measurable snow amount at the B’ham airport was Jan 28, 2000 (2,913 days). I wonder how long it will continue? Here the other 4 streaks following this one:

  • 2/1/1951 to 3/6/1957: 2,225 days
  • 2/13/1905 to 12/18/1909: 1,769 days
  • 2/13/1971 to 12/1/1974: 1,387 days
  • 1/5/1919 to 2/15/1922: 1,137 days

It’s bound to end at some point, but it seems like snow has skipped over Birmingham the past 8 years. Hopefully we’ll see some significant snow either within this year or the next.