One More Exam Left!

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006 @ 6:02pm

SadieWoohoo! Only my online exam for Dr. Toone’s class is left (I’m trying to put it off for as long as possible, because it will be hard). I finally got some of my grades in too. I’m not really all that happy about piano, but that’s another story within itself. 3 semesters with a B. Japanese on the other hand, I made a B in as well, so I’m not really complaining considering the hard time I had all semester. Just have to wait on my other computer science grades to come in to help my gpa…

Gee, what's up Ricky?Anyway, my camera came in today! As you can see by a few of the pictures in my post, I’ve been playing with my new “toy” so to speak. As you can see to the left, there’s well… Sadie. She looks so innocent in that picture, unlike Rick! I don’t really know what it is about Rick, but he always has the best facial expressions in photos. I’m not sure what he’s looking at. Who knows? With Rick, it’s always a guess. Someone should come up with captions for these pictures… I had some pictures of Kenny too, but he deleted them before I got a chance to save them. I’ll be using my camera a lot more now, so you can expect to see more pictures in the future.