The Probability of Success?

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 @ 2:22pm

Well, at least there is one test out of the way. I think I did okay on the Music Lit exam I had today but I’m not really sure. Now all I have to worry about is my next test, discrete structures.

I thought having taken pre-calc and calc 1 my freshman year, I would be completely finished with math, but I thought wrong. Little did I realize that the computer science major included a discrete math class within it’s requirements. To give you an idea of what the class is like, everyone failed the first test. Yeah, that’s right. Not only that but one person dropped before the first test and another is retaking the class from last year. Intrigued yet? Thankfully he let everyone retake the test so I think I probably ended up with a B- at the least, maybe a B+ if I’m lucky. The only frustrating this is that each test counts for 25% of our grade, and retaking the first test was probably the only second chance we will be allowed. So here’s to hard work and studying for test numero dos. I only hope the results of this test will be more successful.

And So It Begins…

Monday, October 10th, 2005 @ 12:15pm

I’ve started a blog. I never thought I would actually do one but the idea kind of grew on me after a while. Either way, it’ll allow me to vent some and to organize my thoughts even if no one is reading it. Also, if anyone is actually interested in keeping up with things I do, then here you go.

At the moment, don’t expect too much. The site’s still pretty basic since I built it all from scratch. I suppose I’ll do some more to it in the little free time I have. But we’ll get to that later.

Anyway this week is going to be a fairly busy week as it is. Three tests coming up all at once. Sometimes I wonder if professors just plan it that way, and strategize having tests all compacted into the same week. At least I don’t have to teach tomorrow, that’ll give me about 2 hours of extra time. It’s times like this when I wish there was more than 24 hours in a day…