Bonus Points!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 @ 11:21pm

I know this is so wrong, but at the same time…


You Have Been Spoiled!

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007 @ 11:17pm

I saw this today, and was thinking how awesome of a shirt that would be. But unfortunately, they’re sold out. Boo!


Where’s the next iPod?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007 @ 4:59pm

The iPod has been a popular MP3 player since its introduction in 2001. Since then, over 100 million units have been sold. Yet looking at the release of various models, one thing has struck me as curious, where’s the 6th generation iPod?

6th Generation iPod?Since 2001 there have been 5 major generations of iPods with on average a new generation developed about once a year. However, this has seemed to have stopped with the 5th generation released back in Sept. of 2005. Since then, there has been a lot of speculation and mock ups of what the 6th generation iPod could be. To the left is one such possible mock up of the next generation.

Of course, I guess my question is, where is it? Does Apple plan for the iPhone to replace the iPod? If that’s the case, this is a very risky move by Apple since I seriously doubt most people are willing to shell out $500 or $600 for only 4-8GB of storage space. Rather, I suspect that Apple is waiting in NAND memory to continue to drop in price before the next iPod upgrade. The current 5th generation iPod is not enough to convince me to upgrade from my 4th geneartion, but release an iPod with iPhone like capabilities and increased storage space (preferably flashed based) with a price comparable to the current iterations of the iPod and you have me hooked.

Loss of Freedom

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007 @ 12:14am

It’s time for me to stand on my soapbox again. How much Freedom and Liberty are we willing to sacrifice for a little security? How many rights must we be willing to give up before we lose the very freedom that our forefathers fought for? If the founders of this country saw where we stand today, what do you think they would say? The following quote I think sums it up best:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~ Benjamin Franklin

When I see articles like this, or this it infuriates me. How long will we as citizens be complacent and allow our freedoms to be “lost” and not do anything about them?

I really feel the government (as a whole) has lost contact with the people. Even a few good men with good intentions have a hard time going against the majority. Politics is all about doing what’s good for them, or what’s good for the party. Sadly, it seems that unless you are well known and have lots a money you stand no chance at getting elected. The 2004 presidential campaign had over $1.2 BILLION in spending. Quite frankly, I’m ashamed with both parties, democrats and republicans alike.

Your freedom, our freedom, how much are you willing to sacrifice before its too late? Over 300 years ago, a group of people decided that enough was enough. And they believed in something, and fought for that belief. I believe in something, and I’m willing to fight for it. It has been said that you really do not know what you have, until its gone. Are you willing to fight for your beliefs before its too late? Think about it… don’t be complacent. Be active, don’t just be a bystander, but act upon it.

Traffic Lights

Friday, June 15th, 2007 @ 1:09am

traffic lights

Alas. Sometimes, I really wish I could slap the person who timed traffic lights. As Garfield would say, “They should be drug out into the street and shot.” Or maybe in light of this comic, forced to sit and wait at the very intersection they designed.

Safari Comes to Windows

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007 @ 12:08pm

Apple launches a beta version of Safari for windows during it’s WWDC conference. While the release version is quite buggy at the moment, I welcome the coming of Safari to the Windows platform. This is a great opportunity for web developers, as well as providing more choices for web browsers on Windows.

If you’re interested in downloading the latest release, be sure to visit Apple’s website.

Teen Scares Burgular with Samurai Sword

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007 @ 7:49pm

Further proof that swords are cool. In all seriousness though, it’s kind of sad that the thief that was captured was released on bond the next morning. Here are two kids that I’m sure are probably frightened to death, and one was willing to risk his life to protect his sister. Kudos to Damian and his bravery.