To Mexico and Back

Saturday, May 24th, 2008 @ 5:36pm

Since going to Mexico and back again, I’ve uploaded my trip photos to my flickr photostream. Enjoy!

Indiana Jones and the Lego Boulder

Sunday, May 18th, 2008 @ 11:22pm

I don’t know if this is some kind of viral marketing, but it’s pretty amusing so take a look:

I would love to listen in on the phone call to the insurance company.

Insured: I would like to report a claim.
Insurance Company: What seems to be the problem?
Insured: Caller explains situation.
Insurance Company: Your car got hit by what? A giant lego boulder?

Bohemian Rhapsody

Sunday, May 4th, 2008 @ 11:41am

Can you play Queen too loud? Apparently…

Get Off My Lawn!

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 @ 6:17pm

I’ve determined that living in a controlled community sucks to a certain extent, considering that half the tenants/owners will complain about the most minor of things.

In the past we’ve received multiple complaints about parking when it shouldn’t even be an issue. And the worst part about it is that no one with these complaints is man enough to come up and even talk to us about it. If you have a valid complaint, come to us first and we can attempt to resolve it first without getting others involved in the mess. If that fails, THEN you go higher up with your complaint. Don’t be a jerk and ignore that process just because you think we’re just bunch of annoying kids. We actually are really nice if you would attempt to talk to us.

The more recent complaints were about loud noises with musical instruments. What? I will admit, it probably happened once (I wasn’t here at the time) but a complaint about a one time instance? If you had come to them and let them know that it was too loud, they would have been more than happy to turn it down. But apparently my roommate said multiple people walked by without complaining and several people stood and watched the practicing out of enjoyment.

These people really need to stop being jerks and complain about every nit picky little thing that comes up. We’ll be more than happy to respect your complaints provided you give us some respect in the first place.


Thursday, May 1st, 2008 @ 10:16pm

No, not the Halo as in Bungie, but HALO as in High ALtitude Object, as seen here.

In short, they attached a camera along with some other devices to a weather balloon to take high altitude pictures, around 30km. Be sure to check out some of the videos in addition to the photos.

The tinkerer in me would love to try putting something like this together someday…